David Herz for …
America is Already Great
thoughts of a liberal/conservative Republican Candidate

Terms and Conditions


These are the ideas of David R. Herz. I currently hold no public office. My organization is currently one man deep. I will give advice and make suggestions. Be smart. Just because I say something doesn't make it true or right for you. I expect you to do your own homework. I'd like us to be able to have an intelligent conversation. I believe this is the only path to a society that works.

I'm a Lawyer

I'm a lawyer, but this doesn't mean that anything on this site may be construed as legal advice. I may disagree with the courts, even the Supreme Court, but that doesn't mean I have any authority, nor does it mean that I'll represent you, or hold myself in any way responsible, because you decided to take some action based on something I might have suggested.

If you plan to make a statement by violating a law, get your lawyer on board first. I am not him.


I'm not currently soliciting donations. I don't even have a campaign bank account.

I am running this campaign like I will run the government. If there is not a reason to spend, I'm not going to find one.