Archives for: "September 2023"

Owning Your Activism

My comment on Project Syndicate article: Can Journalists Be Activists? It's not that Journalists shouldn't be activists. It's that they should own their activism instead of pretending to be objective. For instance, you quote with approval from the… more »

Why I run

Sometimes a person is called to something, he knows not why. He knows the odds are against him, but he must enter the arena, as President Roosevelt suggested: that the life of material gain, whether for a nation or an individual, is of value only as a… more »

Stop Harassing Mayor Ganim

I seem to have been proven wrong. The issue is only now (June 2024) being litigated. I leave the thought here anyway. I suppose we have another drama coming to distract us from what is necessary to actually make our city work. So sad. David R. Herz,… more »