Archives for: "October 2023"
27. October 2023
Yes, Please Protect Innocents
I have to push back. Mr. Mannan (Protect Innocents, CT Post, Oct. 26, A13) claims to condemn the escalation of violence at the same time he makes excuses for it. Hamas was elected to run Gaza by the Arabs who fashion themselves Palestinians. Instead of… more »
26. October 2023
On Guns and Mental Health
I get this is an incendiary post given what happened yesterday (18 killed in Lewiston Maine). I was teaching in Israel when the Mercaz HaRav shooting occured in 2008. At the next staff meeting, the principal said to the teachers, “if you have them… more »
26. October 2023
Deciding the Primary
It's funny that the same people who rally for greater voter access have no interest in voters actually thinking. Rather, it looks like initiatives to expand voter access also provide opportunities for more voter fraud. The case between Messrs. Gomes and… more »
10. October 2023
Impressions from Israel
The first thing we hear about is the call-ups. “So and so's kids were called up.” A trickle of information comes through. There was a breach, a massacre at Be'eri. Soon we know that every soldier was called up, not just a few specialists. The airport is… more »
6. October 2023
The Left's Commitment to Racism
I find amusing the amount of hand-wringing over how to be racist by a different name: Lawmakers look to address college admissions without Affirmative Action, CT Post, Oct. 3, p. A9. If we want the best for our society, we need to give the best and… more »