Archives for: "November 2023"

anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism

anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism
Antizionism is antisemitism when the only state that is criticized is Israel. Where is Mr. McKinney's “serious humanitarian concern” for the hundreds of thousands killed in Yemen? Where is this concern for the hundreds of thousands killed in Syria's… more »

The Challenges of Mental Health

I write now in response to Senator Herron Gaston's comment Taking on the Challenges of Mental Health (Nov. 16, 2023). I looked at the Act. It establishes “a task force to continue to study the comprehensive needs of children in the state and the extent… more »

Moral Clarity in Israel

Moral Clarity in Israel
I can't help reacting to Ms. Malavisi's comment (In Search of Moral Clarity in Israel, October 14, 2023). She says she does not intend to take sides. Then immediately does. She prefaces this with an aside about the Ukraine/Russia war: “there is a clear… more »

We Are Not Sheep

We Are Not Sheep
A Last Thought on Our Fabled Election I subscribe to the intelligent voter theory. Every elector who has taken the care to register has done so because of his commitment to our republican way of life. Every person who arrives to vote has vetted the… more »

To the Shepherd of His Flock

First, I pray I can lead as well as I write. Now I write. It is late to be reaching out, but late is better than not at all, and the stakes are just too high. I write to request your assistance. I am, as you may or may not know, the Republican candidate… more »

On Motherhood

I was taken today with the complete adoration and joy that a mother expressed toward her child today. I was at synagogue. Dad was holding their nine-month old daughter. Mom was just besotted with her child. This is as it should be. I noted that this… more »

A Vision for an Educational Community

This was written as an assignment in one of my teaching classes around 2006. I think the ideas are still solid, if not particularly practical to implement. Vision for Educational Community Our philosophy: The student should be responsible for his own… more »

To a Union Man

I would like your vote. I would love your whole union's vote. But to earn that, I must articulate a vision that would make me worthy of your trust. The truth is my gut reaction when you say union is not a positive one. I think of the teachers we don't… more »