About Gun Violence

About Gun Violence

So let's take on this March against Gun violence. It's leftist claptrap.

Now I won't deny that taking away America's guns would result in fewer school shootings. It would, and anyone who argues otherwise has some really hard arguments to make.

So why am I calling bullshit. It's because the focus is on guns. When was the last time you heard of a home-schooler shooting up his classroom, or a Montessori kid, or a democratic school child

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I (am not) like Trump

I want to start this year by distinguishing myself from Mr. Trump.

In some ways this is pretty easy. I've only ever been married to one person. I've never been questioned about consorting with prostitutes; I've never even given people cause to raise such questions.

I do my best to avoid law suits, and have yet to be sued. I've never been too big to fail. I've never lost millions. And mostly, I've never been a part of the swamp I want to drain.

And that's the problem with Mr. Trump, and most presidents going back as far as I remember. The same people tapped to right our excesses are the ones who profit from them.

I've recently watched Netflix's series Dirty Money, and Inside Job in the middle of that. And as biased as those programs may be, the truth is still that the rich are getting richer, the poor poorer, and the average guy feels screwed. Because money talks, and the people spending the most are the ones walking away with billions.

And in some ways it's harder to distinguish myself.

I really liked President Trump's State of the Union. And I did find the conduct of a number of Democrats quite shameful. For the most part, I have to agree with his direction.

But it could use some tweaking, and I'm happy to take that on.

They're not Snowflakes; They're Blockheads

They're not Snowflakes; They're Blockheads

unsplash-logoNina Strehl

It's time to stop calling them snowflakes. It's time to call them what they really are, a bunch of blockheads.

How do I define blockhead? Anyone past the age of three who still thinks the appropriate way to make his point is to rant and scream and call names and then stops up his ears until he finds people who will tell him what he wants to hear. As they grow up, this turns into safe rooms, and teaching and university faculties that all spout a particular narrative and teach it as the truth.

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A Crisis of Meaning/Meanness

A Crisis of Meaning/Meanness

unsplash-logo"My Life Through A Lens"

Let me ask you a question. What do you think about the kid who gets everything he wants, but has nothing but complaints? You know the one. He got a car on his sixteenth birthday (it's the wrong color). He goes to the Caribbean for spring break (he was on the wrong side of the island), Colorado to ski (the snow was so much better last year), and might even made it to Paris in the summer (all it did was rain).

But nothing really makes him happy. He gets too loud, too drunk, too stoned, and if he drives after and gets caught, he'll get bailed out, and complain he can't drive for six months, but probably does anyway.

Now let's take this guy: Single mom, mostly gets enough food, tickled with a new pair of sneakers on Christmas (the rest is hand-me-downs), as soon as he's old enough, takes an after school job so he can have a little bit of spending money, and some of that goes to helping out at home.

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Thank You President Trump

Thank You President Trump

It's really simple, and President Trump got it at least 90% right.

Warning: I didn't feel like helping it. My language has got a bit colorful here. If you are sensitive to mild cuss-words, please refrain from reading further.

I read this New York Times article a few days ago. You'll notice the left leaning hand wringing about this “sensitive issue.” You'll notice the doubts about whether this will help or hinder.

There is no doubt. This will help. If you want to get on with negotiations, you get the “sensitive” issues out of the way. If the other side will not negotiate in good faith, you settle the issues you can, and offer them again to come to the table. If they keep refusing, you keep settling issues. At some point in time, they get it might make sense to show up at the table.