Losing Grip in a Shame-Free World
How easy it is for the left to tell those it doesn't like on the right to be ashamed of themselves, the subtext being that the target should exit the scene.
Ms. Campbell sees warning signs. Losing our grip in a shame-free world, CT Post, Jan. 16, p. A9. “Our moral maps” are off. According to her, the signs are flashing about our “country's purported slow side into fascism.”
More of the same will only give you more of the same:
I agree with Mayor Ganim that he is the better choice in our upcoming primary. Why I Fired John Gomes, CT Post Jan. 11, 2024 . The problem is that both he and Mr. Gomes are different hues of the same failed color.
In his recent interview with Lisa Wexler, Mayor Ganim related that he came from Republican stock, and suggested that he was moved to become a Democrat because it is the “more compassionate” party. I laud that compassion, and have no doubt of Mayor Ganim's love for our city.
However, compassion becomes a curse when something else is necessary, the classic example being the butterfly that never properly forms because a human has tried to help it out of its chrysalis.
Bridgeport Doubles Down on Hate: Truth is Always the First Victim
To the City Council of Bridgeport:
The Committee on G-d and Truth hereby Reports and Recommends:
Resolution calling for the Condemnation of the anti-Semitic City Council of Bridgeport
Whereas, all life is precious and the discriminate killing of innocent civilians on the grounds of their religious heritage is evil, and
Whereas, the indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians on the grounds of their mere employment by or association with people of a particular religious heritage is evil, and
Whereas, Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 44,539 deadly terror attacks since 9/11, 145 in the last thirty days in 22 countries, killing 823 people and injuring 805 more, and the City Council has found no reason to comment, and
A Formula to Prevent Violence and other Poor Outcomes
This is a direct response to our many politicians who want to eliminate “gun” violence by disarming the public.
The Big Picture
When you disarm the public, the result is that the most effective agent of violence becomes the police and military. This has been done in many places, and the results are usually the same, the whittling away of the rights of the public to the point of oppression, genocide, subjugation.
And often when governments disarm, it is with the express purpose of clamping down or removing people's rights. This was done in Zimbabwe to the white farmer, destroying a large part of the country's agricultural base. This was done in Germany before World War II to disarm the Jews. Canada has been restricting rights to possess firearms. At the same time, it has been clamping down on protests (ask their truckers), and using the full force of the government to address behaviors the demented left does not like. Ask the Chinese if their government tolerates armed citizens, or protest, or the North Koreans. You'll see certain rights go together.
Standing for Truth
To my friends with an audience:
I implore you please to speak out against the cruelly biased coverage provided of our Hearst papers of the coverage of the war in Israel. Israel faces new calls for truce after shooting, hostages killed, December 18, AP/Hearst.
This is a war for the heart of our civilization, as all wars seem to be. Please tell me why stringers in Deir al-Balah are reporting on a funeral in Shefayim, in the heart of Israel.