Owning Your Activism

My comment on Project Syndicate article: Can Journalists Be Activists?

It's not that Journalists shouldn't be activists. It's that they should own their activism instead of pretending to be objective.

For instance, you quote with approval from the Atlantic, “Yes, polarization is asymmetric – and conservatives are worse.” This is opinion on opinion, stated as fact.

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Why I run

Sometimes a person is called to something, he knows not why. He knows the odds are against him, but he must enter the arena, as President Roosevelt suggested:

that the life of material gain, whether for a nation or an individual, is of value only as a foundation, only as there is added to it the uplift that comes from devotion to loftier ideals.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

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Stop Harassing Mayor Ganim

I seem to have been proven wrong. The issue is only now (June 2024) being litigated. I leave the thought here anyway. I suppose we have another drama coming to distract us from what is necessary to actually make our city work. So sad.

David R. Herz, suggests we stop Weaponizing the “law” against Mayor Ganim

Stop Weaponizing the Law Against Our Candidates

It is wrong when it is against Donald Trump. It is wrong when it is against my adversary Mayor Joseph Ganim.

Mayor Ganim suggested that the timing of the newest allegations against him are suspect. The are. But why are we surprised?

This seems to have become the way of the American left. When you are with them, and they are in power, it is all about “fairness” and “following the law.”

The minute they see you as a threat, or maybe have just changed their tastes, any means is justified.

I don't know if it is Machiavelli or Marx the Democrats are channeling, but somehow they have come to believe that it is all about power and right think (which is Left-Think), and if you don't think the way Big Brother does, you must be made to, or made to leave.

It seems that Big Brother has decided it is time to pull out all the stops to take down Mayor Ganim, and the State Elections Enforcement Commission has been called in to make some noise.

This issue has been litigated. To the extent it is still an issue, it is political. It is a point of history that Mr. Gomes, or Ms. Moore, or Mr. Daniels may bring up.

It is an issue we may all keep an eye on going forward.

For it to come up now from a regulator seems a calculated act to undermine our Mayor's performance in our upcoming primaries.

Maybe if the left hadn't gone on about Trump for the last three years, he'd have run out of gas and we'd be able to talk about the direction of our country. And if we'd done that, maybe we'd actually have the Democrats trotting out someone solid for next year's election.

Likewise here. “Ganim might be corrupt.” That isn't really news. When you have a one party town for so long, most of the Democrats have probably been touched by the Oobleck.

And when yesterday's lieutenant is today's challenger, and you both pretty much believe the same thing, I guess you need something to distinguish you. Maybe that should be the issues instead of this theater.

We have some issues worth discussing: too much and growing hooliganism, a lack of real choice in schools and life, the damage done to us by idiotic COVID policies, and decades of failed blue city policies that keep us having blue city problems.

Let us address these and the candidates who would best address them instead of playing these games around the margins.

Stop harassing Mr. Ganim and let his actions and record speak. Challenge those if you must, as I choose to.

It is the truth, the letting go of one’s pride, that makes the Oobleck go away. Let’s tell the truth instead of engaging in theater.

Then trust the Citizens of Bridgeport to make the right choices. And if you are concerned that their choices will not be properly informed, inform them. And if you are concerned that even when informed, they may make the wrong choices, then check your own assumptions and if you aren't speaking in the name of Big Brother rather than the civilization some of us have come to cherish.

David R. Herz believes that we, like all social creatures, are more about community than power, that what has brought us here, a Judeo-Christian ethic, is what will bring us forward.

Not all Republicans

Not all Republicans

It is with a customary disgust that I read most of the political coverage of the Hearst papers, but the choice to print Ms. Kretschman's opinion piece "Look closely at the candidates Greenwich Republicans welcome" (Friday, Aug. 4) gives a sense of just how bent Connecticut's Democrats are.

HB6667 is Bad

Hello Representative Blumenthal:

I am a resident of Bridgeport with connections to the Southwestern corner of our state. I was at the State House on Tuesday. You wouldn’t talk to us at the velvet ropes; so I try again here.

I know you are a sponsor of this bill, but it doesn’t make sense. And I’d suggest that sometimes a politician ought to act on sense rather than I don’t know what. Is it hate, distrust, a lack of faith in people, a sense that our founders got it wrong? I just don’t know.

I share certain comments on HB6667 below. I urge you to vote against it.