Category: "Leadership"
about a certain generation
Maybe the aside was tongue-in-cheek, but maybe it speaks to something.
At 71 I'm focused more than ever on doing what I can to try to secure peace, justice, and environmental sustainability for future generations. But there's also the pressing matter of how my generation (you know, the one that had everything and ruined it) can try to age with grace and wisdom.
from Stew Friedman, who does leadership stuff at Wharton.
You are so full of shit. Your generation has everything and has grown everything. Celebrate what you have created. Why are you buying into the impending doom narrative?
The world is greening. See Patrick Moore on this,
We are richer than ever and coming out of poverty at rates blowing past the U.N. goals for taking us out of poverty. This doesn't really get at the results we've created, but gives a little of the picture:
You are right on the babies. Maybe we should have young co-eds actually vision out their lives. Maybe we should return to G-d and family and what brought us where we are .
Maybe we should be questioning the wisdom of Marx, Marcuse, Derrida and all the bullshit they have given us. Here's an analysis of that:
Anyway, enough of my time on this.
Go out, breathe the air. Tell me if you really think the world is about to end.
I don't think it is, or is in danger thereof, unless we give in to the crazies trying to take over our college campuses and public conversations.